/* * @(#)hprof_trace.c 1.36 05/09/30 * * Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * -Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * -Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING * ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN MIDROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") * AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE * AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS * DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, * INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY * OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or intended * for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any * nuclear facility. */ /* Trace table. */ /* * A trace is an optional thread serial number plus N frames. * * The thread serial number is added to the key only if the user asks for * threads in traces, which will cause many more traces to be created. * Without it all threads share the traces. * * This is a variable length Key, depending on the number of frames. * The frames are FrameIndex values into the frame table. * * It is important that the thread serial number is used and not the * TlsIndex, threads come and go, and TlsIndex values are re-used * but the thread serial number is unique per thread. * * The cpu=times and cpu=samples dumps rely heavily on traces, the trace * dump preceeds the cpu information and uses the trace information. * Depending on the cpu= request, different sorts are applied to the * traces that are dumped. * */ #include "hprof.h" typedef struct TraceKey { SerialNumber thread_serial_num; /* Thread serial number */ jint n_frames; /* Number of frames that follow. */ FrameIndex frames[1]; /* Variable length */ } TraceKey; typedef struct TraceInfo { SerialNumber serial_num; /* Trace serial number */ jint num_hits; /* Number of hits this trace has */ jlong total_cost; /* Total cost associated with trace */ jlong self_cost; /* Total cost without children cost */ jint status; /* Status of dump of trace */ } TraceInfo; typedef struct IterateInfo { TraceIndex* traces; int count; jlong grand_total_cost; } IterateInfo; /* Private internal functions. */ static TraceKey* get_pkey(TraceIndex index) { void * pkey; int key_len; table_get_key(gdata->trace_table, index, &pkey, &key_len); HPROF_ASSERT(pkey!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(key_len>=(int)sizeof(TraceKey)); HPROF_ASSERT(((TraceKey*)pkey)->n_frames<=1?key_len==(int)sizeof(TraceKey) : key_len==(int)sizeof(TraceKey)+ (int)sizeof(FrameIndex)*(((TraceKey*)pkey)->n_frames-1)); return (TraceKey*)pkey; } static TraceInfo * get_info(TraceIndex index) { TraceInfo * info; info = (TraceInfo*)table_get_info(gdata->trace_table, index); return info; } static TraceIndex find_or_create(SerialNumber thread_serial_num, jint n_frames, FrameIndex *frames, TraceKey *trace_key_buffer) { TraceInfo * info; TraceKey * pkey; int key_len; TraceIndex index; jboolean new_one; static TraceKey empty_key; HPROF_ASSERT(frames!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(trace_key_buffer!=NULL); key_len = (int)sizeof(TraceKey); if ( n_frames > 1 ) { key_len += (int)((n_frames-1)*(int)sizeof(FrameIndex)); } pkey = trace_key_buffer; *pkey = empty_key; pkey->thread_serial_num = (gdata->thread_in_traces ? thread_serial_num : 0); pkey->n_frames = n_frames; if ( n_frames > 0 ) { (void)memcpy(pkey->frames, frames, (n_frames*(int)sizeof(FrameIndex))); } new_one = JNI_FALSE; index = table_find_or_create_entry(gdata->trace_table, pkey, key_len, &new_one, NULL); if ( new_one ) { info = get_info(index); info->serial_num = gdata->trace_serial_number_counter++; } return index; } static void list_item(TableIndex index, void *key_ptr, int key_len, void *info_ptr, void *arg) { TraceInfo *info; TraceKey *key; int i; HPROF_ASSERT(key_ptr!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(key_len>0); HPROF_ASSERT(info_ptr!=NULL); key = (TraceKey*)key_ptr; info = (TraceInfo *)info_ptr; debug_message( "Trace 0x%08x: SN=%u, threadSN=%u, n_frames=%d, frames=(", index, info->serial_num, key->thread_serial_num, key->n_frames); for ( i = 0 ; i < key->n_frames ; i++ ) { debug_message( "0x%08x, ", key->frames[i]); } debug_message( "), traceSN=%u, num_hits=%d, self_cost=(%d,%d), " "total_cost=(%d,%d), status=0x%08x\n", info->serial_num, info->num_hits, jlong_high(info->self_cost), jlong_low(info->self_cost), jlong_high(info->total_cost), jlong_low(info->total_cost), info->status); } static void clear_cost(TableIndex i, void *key_ptr, int key_len, void *info_ptr, void *arg) { TraceInfo *info; HPROF_ASSERT(key_ptr!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(key_len>0); HPROF_ASSERT(info_ptr!=NULL); info = (TraceInfo *)info_ptr; info->num_hits = 0; info->total_cost = 0; info->self_cost = 0; } /* Get the names for a frame in order to dump it. */ static void get_frame_details(JNIEnv *env, FrameIndex frame_index, char **pcsig, ClassIndex *pcnum, char **pmname, char **pmsig, char **psname, jint *plineno) { jmethodID method; jlocation location; jint lineno; HPROF_ASSERT(frame_index!=0); *pmname = NULL; *pmsig = NULL; *pcsig = NULL; if ( psname != NULL ) { *psname = NULL; } if ( plineno != NULL ) { *plineno = -1; } if ( pcnum != NULL ) { *pcnum = 0; } frame_get_location(frame_index, &method, &location, &lineno); if ( plineno != NULL ) { *plineno = lineno; } WITH_LOCAL_REFS(env, 1) { jclass klass; getMethodClass(method, &klass); getClassSignature(klass, pcsig, NULL); if ( pcnum != NULL ) { LoaderIndex loader_index; jobject loader; loader = getClassLoader(klass); loader_index = loader_find_or_create(env, loader); *pcnum = class_find_or_create(*pcsig, loader_index); (void)class_new_classref(env, *pcnum, klass); } if ( psname != NULL ) { getSourceFileName(klass, psname); } } END_WITH_LOCAL_REFS; getMethodName(method, pmname, pmsig); } /* Write out a stack trace. */ static void output_trace(TableIndex index, void *key_ptr, int key_len, void *info_ptr, void *arg) { TraceKey *key; TraceInfo *info; SerialNumber serial_num; SerialNumber thread_serial_num; jint n_frames; JNIEnv *env; int i; struct FrameNames { char * sname; char * csig; char * mname; int lineno; } *finfo; env = (JNIEnv*)arg; key = (TraceKey*)key_ptr; n_frames = key->n_frames; thread_serial_num = key->thread_serial_num; info = (TraceInfo*)info_ptr; serial_num = info->serial_num; if ( info->status != 0 ) { return; } info->status = 1; finfo = NULL; n_frames = key->n_frames; if ( n_frames > 0 ) { finfo = (struct FrameNames *)HPROF_MALLOC(n_frames*(int)sizeof(struct FrameNames)); /* Write frames, but save information for trace later */ for (i = 0; i < n_frames; i++) { FrameIndex frame_index; char *msig; ClassIndex cnum; frame_index = key->frames[i]; get_frame_details(env, frame_index, &finfo[i].csig, &cnum, &finfo[i].mname, &msig, &finfo[i].sname, &finfo[i].lineno); if (frame_get_status(frame_index) == 0) { io_write_frame(frame_index, finfo[i].mname, msig, finfo[i].sname, class_get_serial_number(cnum), finfo[i].lineno); frame_set_status(frame_index, 1); } jvmtiDeallocate(msig); } } io_write_trace_header(serial_num, thread_serial_num, n_frames); for (i = 0; i < n_frames; i++) { io_write_trace_elem(key->frames[i], finfo[i].csig, finfo[i].mname, finfo[i].sname, finfo[i].lineno); jvmtiDeallocate(finfo[i].csig); jvmtiDeallocate(finfo[i].mname); jvmtiDeallocate(finfo[i].sname); } io_write_trace_footer(); if ( finfo != NULL ) { HPROF_FREE(finfo); } } /* Output a specific list of traces. */ static void output_list(JNIEnv *env, TraceIndex *list, jint count) { rawMonitorEnter(gdata->data_access_lock); { int i; for ( i = 0; i < count ; i++ ) { TraceIndex index; TraceInfo *info; void * pkey; int key_len; index = list[i]; table_get_key(gdata->trace_table, index, &pkey, &key_len); info = get_info(index); output_trace(index, pkey, key_len, info, (void*)env); } } rawMonitorExit(gdata->data_access_lock); } static void collect_iterator(TableIndex index, void *key_ptr, int key_len, void *info_ptr, void *arg) { TraceInfo *info; IterateInfo *iterate; HPROF_ASSERT(key_ptr!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(key_len>0); HPROF_ASSERT(arg!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(info_ptr!=NULL); iterate = (IterateInfo *)arg; info = (TraceInfo *)info_ptr; iterate->traces[iterate->count++] = index; iterate->grand_total_cost += info->self_cost; } static int qsort_compare_cost(const void *p_trace1, const void *p_trace2) { TraceIndex trace1; TraceIndex trace2; TraceInfo * info1; TraceInfo * info2; HPROF_ASSERT(p_trace1!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(p_trace2!=NULL); trace1 = *(TraceIndex *)p_trace1; trace2 = *(TraceIndex *)p_trace2; info1 = get_info(trace1); info2 = get_info(trace2); /*LINTED*/ return (int)(info2->self_cost - info1->self_cost); } static int qsort_compare_num_hits(const void *p_trace1, const void *p_trace2) { TraceIndex trace1; TraceIndex trace2; TraceInfo * info1; TraceInfo * info2; HPROF_ASSERT(p_trace1!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(p_trace2!=NULL); trace1 = *(TraceIndex *)p_trace1; trace2 = *(TraceIndex *)p_trace2; info1 = get_info(trace1); info2 = get_info(trace2); return info2->num_hits - info1->num_hits; } /* External interfaces. */ void trace_init(void) { gdata->trace_table = table_initialize("Trace", 256, 256, 511, (int)sizeof(TraceInfo)); } void trace_list(void) { debug_message( "--------------------- Trace Table ------------------------\n"); table_walk_items(gdata->trace_table, &list_item, NULL); debug_message( "----------------------------------------------------------\n"); } void trace_cleanup(void) { table_cleanup(gdata->trace_table, NULL, NULL); gdata->trace_table = NULL; } SerialNumber trace_get_serial_number(TraceIndex index) { TraceInfo *info; if ( index == 0 ) { return 0; } info = get_info(index); return info->serial_num; } void trace_increment_cost(TraceIndex index, jint num_hits, jlong self_cost, jlong total_cost) { TraceInfo *info; table_lock_enter(gdata->trace_table); { info = get_info(index); info->num_hits += num_hits; info->self_cost += self_cost; info->total_cost += total_cost; } table_lock_exit(gdata->trace_table); } TraceIndex trace_find_or_create(SerialNumber thread_serial_num, jint n_frames, FrameIndex *frames, jvmtiFrameInfo *jframes_buffer) { return find_or_create(thread_serial_num, n_frames, frames, (TraceKey*)jframes_buffer); } /* We may need to ask for more frames than the user asked for */ static int get_real_depth(int depth, jboolean skip_init) { int extra_frames; extra_frames = 0; /* This is only needed if we are doing BCI */ if ( gdata->bci ) { /* Account for Java and native Tracker methods */ extra_frames = 2; if ( skip_init ) { /* Also allow for ignoring the java.lang.Object. method */ extra_frames += 1; } } return depth + extra_frames; } /* Fill in FrameIndex array from jvmtiFrameInfo array, return n_frames */ static int fill_frame_buffer(int depth, int real_depth, int frame_count, jboolean skip_init, jvmtiFrameInfo *jframes_buffer, FrameIndex *frames_buffer) { int n_frames; jint topframe; topframe = 0; /* Possible top frames belong to the hprof Tracker class, remove them */ if ( gdata->bci ) { while ( ( ( frame_count - topframe ) > 0 ) && ( topframe < (real_depth-depth) ) && ( tracker_method(jframes_buffer[topframe].method) || ( skip_init && jframes_buffer[topframe].method==gdata->object_init_method ) ) ) { topframe++; } } /* Adjust count to match depth request */ if ( ( frame_count - topframe ) > depth ) { frame_count = depth + topframe; } /* The actual frame count we will process */ n_frames = frame_count - topframe; if ( n_frames > 0 ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n_frames; i++) { jmethodID method; jlocation location; method = jframes_buffer[i+topframe].method; location = jframes_buffer[i+topframe].location; frames_buffer[i] = frame_find_or_create(method, location); } } return n_frames; } /* Get the trace for the supplied thread */ TraceIndex trace_get_current(jthread thread, SerialNumber thread_serial_num, int depth, jboolean skip_init, FrameIndex *frames_buffer, jvmtiFrameInfo *jframes_buffer) { TraceIndex index; jint frame_count; int real_depth; int n_frames; HPROF_ASSERT(thread!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(frames_buffer!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(jframes_buffer!=NULL); /* We may need to ask for more frames than the user asked for */ real_depth = get_real_depth(depth, skip_init); /* Get the stack trace for this one thread */ getStackTrace(thread, jframes_buffer, real_depth, &frame_count); /* Create FrameIndex's */ n_frames = fill_frame_buffer(depth, real_depth, frame_count, skip_init, jframes_buffer, frames_buffer); /* Lookup or create new TraceIndex */ index = find_or_create(thread_serial_num, n_frames, frames_buffer, (TraceKey*)jframes_buffer); return index; } /* Get traces for all threads in list (traces[i]==0 if thread not running) */ void trace_get_all_current(jint thread_count, jthread *threads, SerialNumber *thread_serial_nums, int depth, jboolean skip_init, TraceIndex *traces, jboolean always_care) { jvmtiStackInfo *stack_info; int nbytes; int real_depth; int i; FrameIndex *frames_buffer; TraceKey *trace_key_buffer; HPROF_ASSERT(threads!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(thread_serial_nums!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(traces!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(thread_count > 0); HPROF_ASSERT(depth > 0); /* We may need to ask for more frames than the user asked for */ real_depth = get_real_depth(depth, skip_init); /* Get the stack traces for all the threads */ getThreadListStackTraces(thread_count, threads, real_depth, &stack_info); /* Allocate a frames_buffer and trace key buffer */ nbytes = (int)sizeof(FrameIndex)*real_depth; frames_buffer = (FrameIndex*)HPROF_MALLOC(nbytes); nbytes += (int)sizeof(TraceKey); trace_key_buffer = (TraceKey*)HPROF_MALLOC(nbytes); /* Loop over the stack traces we have for these 'thread_count' threads */ for ( i = 0 ; i < thread_count ; i++ ) { int n_frames; /* Assume 0 at first (no trace) */ traces[i] = 0; /* If thread has frames, is runnable, and isn't suspended, we care */ if ( always_care || ( stack_info[i].frame_count > 0 && (stack_info[i].state & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_RUNNABLE)!=0 && (stack_info[i].state & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED)==0 && (stack_info[i].state & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_INTERRUPTED)==0 ) ) { /* Create FrameIndex's */ n_frames = fill_frame_buffer(depth, real_depth, stack_info[i].frame_count, skip_init, stack_info[i].frame_buffer, frames_buffer); /* Lookup or create new TraceIndex */ traces[i] = find_or_create(thread_serial_nums[i], n_frames, frames_buffer, trace_key_buffer); } } /* Make sure we free the space */ HPROF_FREE(frames_buffer); HPROF_FREE(trace_key_buffer); jvmtiDeallocate(stack_info); } /* Increment the trace costs for all the threads (for cpu=samples) */ void trace_increment_all_sample_costs(jint thread_count, jthread *threads, SerialNumber *thread_serial_nums, int depth, jboolean skip_init) { TraceIndex *traces; int nbytes; HPROF_ASSERT(threads!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(thread_serial_nums!=NULL); HPROF_ASSERT(thread_count > 0); HPROF_ASSERT(depth > 0); /* Allocate a traces array */ nbytes = (int)sizeof(TraceIndex)*thread_count; traces = (TraceIndex*)HPROF_MALLOC(nbytes); /* Get all the current traces for these threads */ trace_get_all_current(thread_count, threads, thread_serial_nums, depth, skip_init, traces, JNI_FALSE); /* Increment the cpu=samples cost on these traces */ table_lock_enter(gdata->trace_table); { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < thread_count ; i++ ) { /* Each trace gets a hit and an increment of it's total cost */ if ( traces[i] != 0 ) { TraceInfo *info; info = get_info(traces[i]); info->num_hits += 1; info->self_cost += (jlong)1; info->total_cost += (jlong)1; } } } table_lock_exit(gdata->trace_table); /* Free up the memory allocated */ HPROF_FREE(traces); } void trace_output_unmarked(JNIEnv *env) { rawMonitorEnter(gdata->data_access_lock); { table_walk_items(gdata->trace_table, &output_trace, (void*)env); } rawMonitorExit(gdata->data_access_lock); } /* output info on the cost associated with traces */ void trace_output_cost(JNIEnv *env, double cutoff) { IterateInfo iterate; int i, trace_table_size, n_items; double accum; int n_entries; rawMonitorEnter(gdata->data_access_lock); { n_entries = table_element_count(gdata->trace_table); iterate.traces = HPROF_MALLOC(n_entries*(int)sizeof(TraceIndex)+1); iterate.count = 0; iterate.grand_total_cost = 0; table_walk_items(gdata->trace_table, &collect_iterator, &iterate); trace_table_size = iterate.count; /* sort all the traces according to the cost */ qsort(iterate.traces, trace_table_size, sizeof(TraceIndex), &qsort_compare_cost); n_items = 0; for (i = 0; i < trace_table_size; i++) { TraceInfo *info; TraceIndex trace_index; double percent; trace_index = iterate.traces[i]; info = get_info(trace_index); /* As soon as a trace with zero hits is seen, we need no others */ if (info->num_hits == 0 ) { break; } percent = (double)info->self_cost / (double)iterate.grand_total_cost; if (percent < cutoff) { break; } n_items++; } /* Now write all trace we might refer to. */ output_list(env, iterate.traces, n_items); io_write_cpu_samples_header(iterate.grand_total_cost, n_items); accum = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++) { TraceInfo *info; TraceKey *key; TraceIndex trace_index; double percent; char *csig; char *mname; char *msig; trace_index = iterate.traces[i]; info = get_info(trace_index); key = get_pkey(trace_index); percent = ((double)info->self_cost / (double)iterate.grand_total_cost) * 100.0; accum += percent; csig = NULL; mname = NULL; msig = NULL; if (key->n_frames > 0) { get_frame_details(env, key->frames[0], &csig, NULL, &mname, &msig, NULL, NULL); } io_write_cpu_samples_elem(i+1, percent, accum, info->num_hits, (jint)info->self_cost, info->serial_num, key->n_frames, csig, mname); jvmtiDeallocate(csig); jvmtiDeallocate(mname); jvmtiDeallocate(msig); } io_write_cpu_samples_footer(); HPROF_FREE(iterate.traces); } rawMonitorExit(gdata->data_access_lock); } /* output the trace cost in old prof format */ void trace_output_cost_in_prof_format(JNIEnv *env) { IterateInfo iterate; int i, trace_table_size; int n_entries; rawMonitorEnter(gdata->data_access_lock); { n_entries = table_element_count(gdata->trace_table); iterate.traces = HPROF_MALLOC(n_entries*(int)sizeof(TraceIndex)+1); iterate.count = 0; iterate.grand_total_cost = 0; table_walk_items(gdata->trace_table, &collect_iterator, &iterate); trace_table_size = iterate.count; /* sort all the traces according to the number of hits */ qsort(iterate.traces, trace_table_size, sizeof(TraceIndex), &qsort_compare_num_hits); io_write_oldprof_header(); for (i = 0; i < trace_table_size; i++) { TraceInfo *info; TraceKey *key; TraceIndex trace_index; int num_frames; int num_hits; char *csig_callee; char *mname_callee; char *msig_callee; char *csig_caller; char *mname_caller; char *msig_caller; trace_index = iterate.traces[i]; key = get_pkey(trace_index); info = get_info(trace_index); num_hits = info->num_hits; if (num_hits == 0) { break; } csig_callee = NULL; mname_callee = NULL; msig_callee = NULL; csig_caller = NULL; mname_caller = NULL; msig_caller = NULL; num_frames = key->n_frames; if (num_frames >= 1) { get_frame_details(env, key->frames[0], &csig_callee, NULL, &mname_callee, &msig_callee, NULL, NULL); } if (num_frames > 1) { get_frame_details(env, key->frames[1], &csig_caller, NULL, &mname_caller, &msig_caller, NULL, NULL); } io_write_oldprof_elem(info->num_hits, num_frames, csig_callee, mname_callee, msig_callee, csig_caller, mname_caller, msig_caller, (int)info->total_cost); jvmtiDeallocate(csig_callee); jvmtiDeallocate(mname_callee); jvmtiDeallocate(msig_callee); jvmtiDeallocate(csig_caller); jvmtiDeallocate(mname_caller); jvmtiDeallocate(msig_caller); } io_write_oldprof_footer(); HPROF_FREE(iterate.traces); } rawMonitorExit(gdata->data_access_lock); } void trace_clear_cost(void) { table_walk_items(gdata->trace_table, &clear_cost, NULL); }